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The log of my adventure in Final Fantasy XI

accumulated adventurers:


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Location: TuM; CUHK; WCH; SS, Hong Kong

sap, my pseudonym, nick of sapphire, the splendid blue gem. sapphirine, of mine. shadow, a shelter filtering the over-bright light of the profane. sap shadow - sappphirine shadow - the retreat of sapphire.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Moghancement Summary

This is a summary of the quests triggered by putting furniture in Mog House (MH).

1. Bronze Bed => Moghancement: Experience?
Less exp is lost when you're killed. No effect on Rasie spells.
Also used in Give a Moogle a Break Quest (Mog House Expansion #1) = MH storage increases to 60

2. Armor Box => Moghancement: Fishing:
Higher chances of getting items when fishing

3. Water jug => Moghancement: Water
Lower chances of losing materials when systhesis attempts utilizing a water crystal have failed
Sidenote: A cheap way to add a storage to MH (500-600G in AH, and storage:2)

4. Cupboard => Moghancement: Fire
Lower chances of losing materials when systhesis attempts utilizing a fire crystal have failed

Also, if bought from Morunaude in the N. Sandy furniture shop, laid in hometown MH (no matter Sandy or not), leave and re-entre MH, the quest "Unexpected Treasure" would be triggered, provided you have enough fame. Upon completion, 12kG is rewarded, but cannot cover the intial purchase price (>10K).

NB: I haven't tested this one out myself.

5. Maple Table
Moghancement: Gardening
Lower chances for the plants to wither

6. Mahogany Bed => Moghancement: Experience
Also Used for: The Moogle's Picnic Quest (Mog House Expansion #2)

7. Noble's Bed => Moghancement: Experience
Also Used for: Moogles in the Wild Quest (Mog House Expansion #3):

8. Oak Bed => Moghancement: Experience
Additional Effect: If used to furnish your mog house, your Moogle will give you an Ether after some time.

9. Royal Bed => Moghancement: Experience

10. Simple Bed => Moghancement: Experience

11. Workbench => Moghacnement: Gardening

Here is a link to a Moghancement Guide